G & P Unltd. Co. Presents



The sound of a revolution! Exclusive content powered by G & P Unlimited Co.


  • GPUNLTD Presents- The Torah-Part 3-Genesis 1

    06/02/2018 Duration: 51min

    After laying the foundation for the Torah Study, K.A. Perkins begins his line by line study of the Torah. In Genesis chapter 1, K.A. Perkins unfolds some essential truths about how to identify the God of the Torah. While distinguishing from the illuminating presence of the Most High as the light in darkness and that of the celestial bodies that were created to emit light.  The darkness that exists in the absence of the illumination and enlightenment of the Most High is a hopeless entity.  

  • SIFTED LIKE WHEAT, But I Prayed! Luke 22:24-34-K.A. Perkins

    31/01/2018 Duration: 49min

    In this teaching, K.A.Perkins delivers an encouraging and inspiring word of hope for those in the midst of their season of testing and trials. While the enemy desires to sift you or to try you, the Messiah himself has already prayed for you. You will be victorious because The Most High already has our back.   

  • GPUNLTD Presents-Torah Study Reflection-Church vs. Community

    24/01/2018 Duration: 29min

    Author and Teacher, K.A. Perkins, discusses the communal perspective of understanding the Torah. K.A. Perkins answers a question regarding what The Most High intended for establishing - a church or a community of believers. K.A. Perkins explores Matthew 16:18 and uncovers the meaning of "church" in this text. It does not refer to a building; instead, it refers to "a called out people". This community was called out to represent The Most High and to serve each other K.A. Perkins examines how this picture of the community directly opposes the current model of the Christian Church that focus on making a profit and running a business for the sole benefit of the leader.  

  • GPUNLTD Presents- The Torah-Part 2-Torah Conspiracy

    24/01/2018 Duration: 47min

    The Most High came to fulfill the teachings of the Torah, not to replace them. It was not  The intention of The Most high to create a new religion or establish the "Church" with the birth, death, burial, and resurrection of the Messiah. He came to fulfill that which was already written; to build upon the Hebrew Faith. Why then is the modern Christian Church so far removed from the sacred principles of the Hebrew Faith? Author and Teacher, K.A. Perkins, discusses the deliberate process of how the Roman Catholic Church moved away from the original teachings of the Torah when it formed the modern Christian Church. 

  • GPUNLTD Presents- The Torah-Part 1-Introduction

    23/01/2018 Duration: 49min

    Imagine being released from ann institution of slavery which stole from you your name, your heritage, and your culture. You are given freedom, yet your identity has been stolen and the life you once knew is now foreign. Author and Teacher K.A. Perkins introduces the Torah Series and explains how the Torah was not law but instruction given from the Most High to His Chosen People recently released from Egyptian Captivity. His people who needed to be reminded of their identity and how to live in relation to God and each other. K.A. Perkins identifies the importance of such instruction for the Hebrew Children of that time and sheds insight on how the same instruction is relevant to the true descendants of the same Hebrew Children today.